And that, simply put, is the unwillingness of employers to pay their employees a living wage. Not their ability, mind you. Their willingness. Because, at a time of record performance by the stock market and banks--both of which, you may recall, were bailed out by you and me when they were proven to be less than infallible--even bank employees need help from the federal government.
And what about employees of the number one company on the Fortune 500? Their employees have to hold food drives. This company could easily afford to pay its employees a living wage, but chooses not to. It literally does not care if its employees cannot eat. Anyone who supports a company like this should have their head examined. And any company that treats its employees this badly should be treated by the government as criminals, not wards of the state.
Wards of the state, however, is what American captains of industry have become. For those on the right who feel that they are in some sort of desperate struggle to save traditional capitalism, I have bad news for you: that struggle ended in 2008, and statism won. We now have state-sponsored "capitalism," truly the worst of both worlds, in which profits are privatized and losses are publicized.
If this doesn't make you get politically active in 2014, nothing will. And you will deserve the fate that overtakes you.
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