I have very strong negative feelings about the Catholic Church. Not the parishioners, but the institution, which has exalted celibacy to the point of providing an unintentional shelter for child abusers. But I confess to being fascinated by Pope Francis, who seems to be completely serious about preaching a gospel that focuses on poverty and the need to fight it. I emphasize the word "need" here, because past Popes--indeed, many Christians--have tended to treat this aspect of the gospel as sort of a recommendation by Jesus, and not as an essential (perhaps the essential) part of His mission and ministry. Instead, they focus on abortion and gay marriage--about which Jesus had nothing to say at all.
I would, frankly, like to see Francis tackle the issue of child abuse within the Church with greater transparency and energy. But, in the meantime, I derive great comfort from the discomfort that he is giving to conservative Catholics in this country. It's long overdue.
I should have known that any Pope who shares my father's first name can't be all bad. Go Francis!
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