As Nicole Tichon puts it, free enterprise isn't free. It would not even exist on the scale that it currently exists, without public spending and the tax dollars that pay for it. We would not have a budget crisis without a tax code that is so top-heavily in favor of a financial minority, one that repackages and often destroys existing wealth with debt-heavy mergers. Innovation? Risk-taking? Why, that's for the suckers who keep electing politicians that let us take more and more of their money, and hide it where they'll never see it again.
How many times do I have to say it? How many times do most of us have to do so? We need a level playing field. If that means a flat-tax structure, so be it. It can't be worse than what we've got now.
If change of this sort is good enough for Warren Buffett, it ought to be good enough for the rest of the 1%.
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