Saturday, December 15, 2012

27 Tragic New Reasons For Sanity About Guns

This past week, 27 innocent (and, in some cases, heroic) souls were sent to Heaven far before their time, because of the great American religion.

I'm not talking about Christianity.

I'm talking about guns.

We have, in our Constitution, an amendment that allows citizens to keep arms in their homes for the purpose of defending the nation.  That purpose is made explicit by the amendment's qualification that "a well-regulated militia" is needed for this purpose.

Contrary to what a corrupt majority of the current Supreme Court thinks, the Second Amendment has never conferred upon anyone an unlimited right to own any arms that anyone might desire for any reason whatsoever.  And it has never denied government the right to regulate the use of arms, if the safety of the nation was the reason behind the regulation.

Unfortunately, an equally corrupt minority in this country has twisted and destroyed the meaning of the amendment, for its own self-serving reasons.  The hypocrisy of its doing so is evident in the fact that this same minority is the one that attempted to use the September 11th tragedy to turn our country into a police state.

Then again, maybe it isn't hypocritical.

Maybe the worship of unlimited gun ownership, combined with the lurch toward fascism under Bush and Cheney, are part and parcel of the same unpatriotic movement.

Maybe it's time to recognize the the loyal opposition is really a fifth column, one that is prepared to destroy America for the sake of maintaining an iron grip on its spirit.

And doing so in the name of patriotism.  And yes, God.  Who must surely weep at the abuse of His, Her, Its or Their Name.

And if the heretofore silent majority does not get serious immediately about the need for sane, sensible, national gun regulations that balance private ownership with the defense of innocent life, it might as well join the NRA parade and arm itself to the teeth.

But it would be better for everyone for the majority to put its faith in the power of self-government, and not bullets.

27 of us who are no longer here would doubtless agree with that.  Let's not let them die in vain, and resolve to do the right thing.

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