Someone out there reading this may remember David Frye, who, during the Nixon Administration, made a short-lived but very successful career out of impersonating His Trickyness. On one of his comedy albums (yes, this was back in the days of vinyl), he performed a routine involving a conversation between Nixon and Jerry Rubin, one of the leaders of the so-called Yippie movement, dedicated to tearing down anything that might even be remotely part of the Establishment. In this routine, Frye has Nixon asking Rubin what will he do when he and his fellow Yippies finally destroy everything they don't like. Rubin replies "I dunno, man, maybe we'll all just lie around and groove on the rubble."
Ever since the so-called Gingrich Revolution, I've thought that what passes in America today for modern conservatism is little more than Boomers aging out of the Yippie phase and trying to mimic the lifestyles of the parents they used to rebel against--but still, at the end of the proverbial day, dedicated to grooving on the rubble. As it turns out, unfortunately, someone agrees with me.
I hope we're both wrong. I fear that we're not.
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