This is how. Quite apart from revenue-raising, the estate tax has two enormous virtues: it stimulates charitable giving, which benefits a wide array of non-profit institutions, and it prevents a family or group of families from acquiring so much economic power that they can achieve a stranglehold on the rest of us, effectively ending democracy.
What do you think the odds are that the tax will be reinstated next year? Even if the "Democrats" in control of Congress are still in control of Congress in 2011, I can't imagine them having the backbone to do it. Not after their sorry track record over the past 17 months. And the Republicans aren't going to do it, especially with the Tea Bags in charge.
Why do we fear Big Government, which we can (theoretically) vote in and out of power every two years, but not Big Money, which needs a depression (a real one, not the near-miss of the past few years) to give the people any chance of fighting back against it. Are we so in love with the idea of individual wealth that we don't mind having it wrapped around our necks? Can't we tell when we're being subjugate by our own dreams?
These aren't rhetorical questions. If you're out there reading, answer them--if not for me, then for those you love, and those you leave behind.
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