Monday, April 26, 2010

The Supreme Court No Longer Follows The Illiction Returns ...

... to paraphrase Finley Peter Dunne.  In three out of the last four presidential elections, liberalism has prevailed in the popular vote.  But the membership of the Supreme Court continues to veer to the right, even to the point at which prominent, qualified liberal candidates cannot even be considered for vacancies.  Even a hint of liberalism is enough to diminish a candidate's chances.

This is what everyone should keep in mind as President Obama tries to build a consensus around a replacement for the retiring Justice Stevens.  He, and we, would be better off ditching the Republican idea of consensus (join us or die), and appoint a truly liberal justice to achieve that goal Republicans love to talk about so much when they're in the minority--restoring "balance."

My personal favorite?  Her.  Anyone who successfully represents a President at an impeachment trial has professional qualifications that are above reproach.  And her sheer presence on the Court would drive Clarence Thomas up the wall.

Or how about this?  It would be a long-overdue gesture to heal our nation's oldest wounds.  And it would be almost as historic as Obama's election was.

In any event, Mr. President, to hell with consensus and finding the Washington media's idea of a happy medium.  Do the right thing, and restore the people's will to their highest Court.

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