Thursday, July 30, 2020


In Trumpworld, it seems, there is no bottom.

On a day when a national hero and treasure named John Lewis is laid to rest, an occasion for which every OTHER living former U.S. President is present, either in person or, in the case of Jimmy Carter, in writing, Donald Trump floats the idea of doing something we have never done, not even during the Civil War:  postponing a national election.

Postponing it until when?  Until Putin can find a time to airlift you from the White House and slip you off to enjoy lifetime immunity "for services rendered" in your own personal dacha?

Hell, no.  Hell, never.

Especially not when your Ambassador to the Netherlands is waxing poetic on Twitter about the fates of Nazi soldiers.  By the way, Donald, you'd better get used to hearing about The Hauge:  if most of us have our way, you'll be spending an awful lot of time there.  And what is it about Republican Presidents and Nazi cemeteries, anyway?

And the reaction to this idea from your fellow Republicans in Congress?  To run away from it, or in some of the most heinous cases, offer "no comment."  On the day our economy truly falls off the cliff, they're too busy focusing on the number one obsession not of the American people, but of their campaign donors:  liability immunity from pandemic litigation.

I join with the Never-Trump Republicans in offering four simple words.

Throw.  Them.  All.  Out.  On November 3rd, and not a day later.

And, to leave you for the month of July with some sweeter thoughts, I'll let Congressman Lewis have the last word, by way of the New York Times.

G-d bless us all.  G-d save our nation.

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