There have been times in the past when I have praised the New York Post for publishing stories that not only acknowledged the reality of climate change, but the extent to which it is actually happening in real time. I've been surprised by these stories, inasmuch as the Post is a staunchly conservative paper, and climate change denial is the default position modern conservatism takes on the issue, viewing it as essentially a backdoor path to some sort of "socialist' nightmare.
Recently, the Post did it again, publishing a story about the record heat from last month that also contained a prediction that this month might set yet another record. I added the story to my Diigo account, where I save stories to be incorporated in a blog post. Today, I sat down to do exactly that with the Post story.
And what did I find?
Yep, you guess it. The Post took down the story. Curiously, the URL lingers, like a ghostly reminder of the story and its heretical content. But the actual article has digitally disappeared.
I smell a whiff of desperation in this. Not quite so much on the part of the Post, or its right-wing billionaire publisher, Rupert Murdoch. But on the part of the President that Murdoch and the Post are doing everything they can, against their better judgment, to try re-electing.
D***** T**** is an anti-environmentalist. He is this, of course, only because the better President whose skin color he despises, Barack Obama, accomplished more for the cause of a clean environment and clean energy than any President before him, and incorporated his effort to do so into the economic policies that led to the economic recovery T**** is now taking credit for. Obama is, in fact, T****'s only frame of reference for any decision he makes; he's too full of hate, and too lacking otherwise in judgment, to run his Presidency in any other way.
D***** T**** also follows conservative media religiously, including the Post, for daily updates on changes (up or down) in his popularity, the only concern that gets him out of bed at 11 a.m. every day. And he is narcissistic enough to bully anyone he feels he needs to bully in order to promote himself--the only person he cares about.
So you can be sure about how and why the story was "disappeared."
Which is exactly what will happen to you, me, and everyone else, if T****''s willingness to destroy the world for the sake of re-election is thwarted.
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