The departure of Roger Ailes, the man who helped package Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush for the American voting public, and who then, in conjunction with Rupert Murdoch, helped to complete the process Murdoch began in the 1970s of transforming all American journalism into tabloid journalism, is at best a belated cause for celebration. It would mean more if there was some easy way to undo what Ailes did to destroy our national political discourse through Fox News. But I suspect there isn't. When people have to go to Comedy Central just to get a complete picture of the day's events, that gives you some idea of how little is left of the Fourth Estate, in the wake of Murdoch/Ailes and their transformation of what was once almost a world of public service into just another consumerist way of tickling itching ears.
Besides, Ailes leaves behind him legions of acolytes who could conceivably take his place and continue the harm he's inflicted on the rest of us. Take Sean Hannity, for example. He easily has Ailes' ability to talk out of both sides of his mouth when he needs to do so. Actually, reading recently how Hanitty tried to strike back at Jon Stewart's take-down of him on last Friday's "The Late Show" was pretty pathetic. He accused Steward of the crime of --gasp!--making money! Outrageous! If you're not a Republican, that is. And then, he accused him of not giving to charity. Which is outrageous in a difference sense, when you consider this. Or this. Or this. Or this. Shall I quit now, Sean? Or will you admit that I don't have to take you prisoner, because you're already dead?
So, what's my takeaway from Ailes' departure? Apart from profound sympathy for his victims, I have to ask: why do men who look like Jabba the Hut think that power makes them so alluring? I have some advice for you, Roger. Look at yourself in the mirror some more when you step out of the shower. That should give you some idea of what women see when the see you.
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