Friday, March 21, 2014

And While We're On The Subject Of The Post Office ...

... this article from Curbed gives me great hope that, one day, Daniel Moynihan's dream of a restored Penn Station might finally come true.  It also illustrates a point that could be useful in the current debate over affordable housing in New York City. 

One objection to Bill de Blasio's apparent intention to "build up" in order to achieve his housing goals is the very real concern of turning the city into an oppressive metropolis of monoliths.  One solution:  allow owners of sites re-zoned for taller structures to sell their air rights to one or more sites to be used for affordable housing.  This would allow many building sites to maintain smaller structures without denying their owners the full economic yield that they're eligible to get under existing zoning regulations.  This has worked to help preserve landmarked structures, and it could also help keep the middle-class in New York City.  A win-win for both issues.

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