I get tired of hearing and reading the idea that Barack Obama is a terrible politician. How can he be so terrible if his greatest policy achievement is so hated by the other side that it actually proposes moving to the left (with single-payer health insurance)? Isn't that what you want him to do? Manipulate the other side so that they have no choice but to come in his direction?
Trust me. He's in the process of doing the same thing with Social Security and Medicare. He knows that House and Senate Republicans (especially the ones in "blue" states) will be under intense pressure NOT to enact anything that even looks like it might be a "cut" in either program. And yes, that includes the Tea Party folks. Anyone remember "Keep your government hands off my Medicare" from a few years ago? Like most political taglines, it's a two-edged sword.
Obama understands, far more so than his opponents ever will, the power of using your opponent's hatred of you to destroy them. And that's why they will be destroyed. Because they can't help hating him.
See what I mean?
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