They're not only liars, but also crazy.
They claim to be conservatives, but ignore conservative heroes.
They claim to be capitalists, but are surprised when gun prices increase with demand.
They pretend to promote mental health as the answer to gun violence, even while opposing mental health laws.
And yet, even crazy liars can apparently wrap their heads around a sane truth. This gives me some real hope that we can move towards sensible weapons restrictions.
Which, by the way, is what we should be calling these laws. We restrict artillery. We restrict atomic bombs. We restrict other forms of weapons, and nobody raises a Second Amendment peep. Why NOT restrict weapons that shoot bullets, especially ones that are ONLY designed as first-strike weapons against human beings?
"Well-regulated" means just that. It's in the Constitution (and yes, the Bill of Rights counts). Get over it.
On the other hand, in a post-9/11 world, am I the only liberal who thinks Rand Paul is making sense here?
Rand Paul is my Senator. I live in Kentucky. I have met Rand Paul. He works closely with a group called Take Back Kentucky. We believe strongly in our second amendment rights, as does Rand Paul. I'm glad you like him, we like him too.
So you take away the guns; then they will use bombs. Which is worse? Any half-wit can get online and learn how to make a bomb from fertilizer and diesel fuel.
I agree with the NRA; put armed police in every school. Students, teachers, everyone shows ID, and passes through a metal detector to get in.
Just so I'm clear, my appreciation for Senator Paul is limited at best. But thanks for stopping by!
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