Monday, November 28, 2011

An Open Letter To Newt Gingrich

You, sir, are even dumber and more corrupt than I thought you were.

You object to the Occupy movement, based on the assumption that its members have never paid taxes, or otherwise contributed to society in any way.  You base that, in turn, on the assumption that freedom of speech and assembly are rights that are bought with money.


The right to be free, according to Thomas Jefferson (he was a President, something you'll never be), comes from Nature.  And the ultimate defense of that right comes with sacrifice, something that comes in many forms.  Sometimes, it means sacrificing one's life.  Sometimes, it means sacrificing one's pride.  The Occupy movement is filled with many people who have already put both their lives and self-respect on the line, in the face of public mockery and police brutality.

But don't worry, Newt.  No one will ever accuse you of sacrificing anything, except what little decency and dignity God gave to you.

You are the last person to measure the worth of anyone--anyone--in terms of dollars.  Every dollar in your life has been given to you by taxpayers, by campaign contributors and lobbyists.  All that you've accomplished with this is becoming the first Speaker of the House in American history to be reprimanded for ethics violations.

The Occupy participants, and the American people, won't have any trouble finding jobs once the economics you've promoted for three decades are gone forever.  And they won't need to take a bath, unless they've made the mistake of listening to one of your speeches.

A bath?  Take a long hike off a pier even shorter than you are, you Ku-Klux-kissing kleptocrat.


Robert said...

Isn't Gingrich the PIG that left his wife while she was in hospital with cancer? Yeah! That's real ethical and moral. That's really defining the sanctity of marriage.

klindgre said...

sounds just like Obama who has never wroked a day in his life.

Anonymous said...

Actually Obama worked in the private practice of law after graduating from law school. He then worked as a Constituitional law professor at the University of Chicago.

ccrider said...

Not only did Newtie leave his wife while she was in the hospital, he was having an affair with the other woman while leading the charge to impeach President Clinton for that exact same offense. Interesting isn't it? When Republicans do it it's none of your business but when a Democrat does it it's worthy of national outrage. I must agree with the author, Newtie NEVER has to worry about being President of this country.