Monday, July 26, 2010

Three Big Lies

And all in one column.  According to Ross Douthat:

1.  There is no population explosion (note to Ross:  the "birth dearth" is only an issue in Europe);
2.  Global warming is actually GOOD for the economy (but not if your investing in futures on the survival of thousands of species of plants and animals on which we depend);
3.  There is no such thing as effective international regulation (I guess that means we can recycle the thousands of pages of treaties that regulate many aspects of our existence, including our national defense).

Well, I've got to admit that it's probably easier to lie that it is to admit that the oil companies own the United States, on whose leadership every one depends in order for any effective international action to move forward.  But, if that's what passes for moderate conservatism these days, I'm not sure that it's either.

Guess you're not planning to have any grandchildren, Ross.  And if you do, this is not the column I'd brag about to them.

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