Thursday, April 18, 2013

Who's REALLY "Racist" Here, Dr. Carson?

So Dr. Ben Carson, former hero to Baltimoreans and pediatric patients everywhere, is now saying that he's unpopular with his colleagues and students because, deep down inside, they're all just bigots at heart, folks who don't like the idea of his leaving "the plantation."

Excuse me?  Exactly what plantation would that be, sir?

Are you saying that Johns Hopkins somehow held you in bondage, treated you as property and otherwise denied you the fruits of your labors, while helping you to become one of the most successful and respected physicians in the world?  Where's the evidence of that, exactly?

Right.  I thought so.

I say this as a double Hopkins brat (both parents worked for the university and the hospital), but I would say it in any case as a respecter of history and the truth.  Your equating your Hopkins career to the life of a slave on an antebellum plantation is an insult to the very real suffering and deaths of literally millions of Africans who were brought her in chains and tears solely so that the ancestors of your new political friends could avoid an honest day's work.  Even if your narcissism cannot and will not allow you to apologize to your colleagues and students, whatever decency resides in you obligates you to apologize to them.  Your success is build on the bones of their agony as much as it is on the prestige and resources of Hopkins.

No sir, you are not unpopular in the Hopkins community because you are a conservative.  You are unpopular in the Hopkins community because your comments on evolution and gays evidence a complete rejection of fundamental science as it relates to both subjects.  You are unpopular because your willingness to politically attack President Obama when he joined you in a non-political appearance is, frankly, the act of a coward attacking someone he knew was not in a position to fight back.

And you are additionally unpopular with me, sir, for advocating health savings accounts over health insurance, thinking that people can save for catastrophic expenses with money they often don't have.  How wealthy do you think you would be if you had to depend on payments from such a source?  And how popular do you think you would be with your new buddies in the right-wing echo chamber, in that case.

Right.  I thought so.

You need to buy a mirror and take a long look at it, not to see the color of your skin but to evaluate the content of your character.  As of now, the latter is sadly lacking.  And no amount of looking for non-existent racism is going to save it.

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