"It's easy to say 'Someone should do something about this.' It's a whole lot more important to be 'Someone.'" --Me
Sunday, April 29, 2012
We Literally Can't Afford To Give Up On Space
Because we're running out of resources here. And there's more out there. And even business people are beginning to see that.
America The Glutton
We are literally eating the world out of house and home. And we are killing ourselves in the process.
And Yet Another Reason Why I Still Have Faith In The Future
Because we still have young people willing to question all of the economic nonsense that has been fed to this country for the past three decades. I think the rest of us should get the hell out of their way.
Five Reasons Why The Very Rich Have NOT Earned Their Money
As described here. A good article, although it misses the most important one, as highlighted by Elizabeth Warren:
Is This Talking Point Really Dead?
I don't think so. Because, even as some writers are trying to bury it, the women of America won't let them. Because, for them, the reality of it is alive and well.
And the Republicans and their supporters are doing their part to keep it alive.
In fact, their presumed standard-bearer is leading the way.
With not a little help from the supposedly offended party.
And the Republicans and their supporters are doing their part to keep it alive.
In fact, their presumed standard-bearer is leading the way.
With not a little help from the supposedly offended party.
All I Can Say Is, I Hope You're Not Surprised
Because I'm not. Really? A Republican Governor, lying about the cost of a Federal project so that he can turn down the money for self-serving reasons, at the expense of not only his state, but the entire Eastern seaboard? I mean, that could NEVER happen, right? Oh, wait ... .
Maybe he was just afraid that he wouldn't be able to fit through the tunnel. If so, he might have a point.
Maybe he was just afraid that he wouldn't be able to fit through the tunnel. If so, he might have a point.
Still Yet ANOTHER Crack Among The Deniers!
And this one comes from Ohio, from a former acolyte of Newt's. Now if we could only get him to change his mind about the high-speed rail money he refused!
Must-Have, Easy-To-Recycle Materials For DIY Wedding Favors
Weddings are ideally
one of those rare events that you say the ‘sky’s the
limit’ when it comes to budgeting. But in these difficult
economic times, the sky isn't always the limit. Often, the limit is an
all-too-tight budget.
Recycling is the ‘in’ thing now with budget
weddings. The ‘something borrowed’ requirement is
no longer limited to the bride. Same thing goes with wedding
Going the DIY route is a cost-efficient way of coming up with
personalized and unique wedding souvenirs. Here’s a quick list
of some materials you’d want to have handy to easily put
together your eco-friendly wedding favors.
1. Mason jars or any small jars with a lid.
What used to hold preserved food can become an integral part of
easily putting together some extraordinary
‘take-home’ remembrances of your big day. Mason jars
are made of glass, small in size, and fitted with a tight metal
To transform them into wedding favors, you can choose to still
fill them with preserved food, like jams or spreads. If you’re
handy with wax, make it into a beautiful candle votive! Thinking of
something more practical for your mason jars? Drill a hole on the lid,
buy some fancy straws, and voila, you just got yourself a recycled (and
easily customizable) juice bottle.
2. Cupcake holders/baking cups.
Remember that party you planned last year when you overstocked
on these really elegant cupcake holders? Well, they just might play
another role at your wedding party!
Fill them to almost-overflowing with small, succulent sweet
treats, wrap them up with clear cellophane, and then tie a dainty
ribbon. Not only do your cupcake wrappers get a second lease on life,
your guests also get to take home some sugary bites to remember your
wedding by!
3. Old, colorful fabric.
When working with wedding favors on a budget, special packaging
is key. How do you not spend too much on prettified packaging? Well,
bring out those old clothes with interesting prints or
Make sure to they’re clean and disinfected before you
use them, most especially if you plan to use it as an alternative
packaging for food souvenirs. The great thing about fabrics as packaging
is 1. They’re sturdy 2. They’re flexible, 3. They
can be further recycled!
4. Sturdy boxes.
Of course, boxes make for great storage…and
they’re awesome to recycle as wedding favors too! Thick,
well-made boxes, whatever the size or material it’s made of,
can hold a variety of treats or trinkets that your wedding guests will
surely appreciate.
You can tuck in some refreshing mints if you have small boxes,
or perhaps a couple of personalized notepads and pens if you have bigger
ones. The content possibilities are endless! If you want to give them a
more uniform look, you can either paint, wrap, or decoupage
These are but four of the many materials in and around your
home that you can use as wedding favors. Think outside of the box (or
think of the box, as cited in this post), and be
innovative. Add a dash of creativity, a bit of ribbon here and there,
and you’re bound to dish out some really rockin’
wedding favors out of recycled materials.
Chrissy Michaels is a wedding
planner and recycling advocate. She had already made countless DIY eco-friendly wedding favors for friends and
4 Ways Your Business Can Go Green
For years, many people
have been finding ways to go green while at home, but going green isn't
solely for the home anymore. There are plenty of ways that businesses
can also do their part to go green, and they're jumping on the
Going green can actually save your business money,
and many businesses are trying to reduce their expenditure in order to
increase profits or keep themselves afloat during tough economic times.
If your business is interested in going green, you need to implement the
following tactics.

1. Shut down or unplug.
Many employees will not turn their computers off
when they leave the office at night. But if computers are being left on
when not in use, they use a great deal of energy. Try to enforce your
employees to turn off their computers when they leave at night. When the
computer is off, it doesn't use as much energy.
But even
when a computer is shut down, it is still using energy if it's plugged
in. The same goes for phone and tablet chargers. Before your employees
leave for the night, make sure they unplug everything. This will really
help cut down on the energy being used overnight.
2. Print
If your company does a lot of printing, you are
wasting a lot of paper. Try to get your employees to cut down on the
amount of items that are printed. This will save energy and save paper.
You should also try to reuse paper throughout the office.
Set up recycle bins, and reuse the back-side of the paper to print
things that will remain internal. Save your fancy paper for those items
that will be seen by clients.
3. Send documents
Instead of mailing letters or invoices to clients,
which forces you to use a ton of paper, opt for an electronic version.
Send your invoices, contracts and any other documents via email instead.
Certain software platforms, such as Adobe Acrobat, will allow you to
accept email signatures if necessary. This will save your client from
having to print, sign, scan and resend.
Instead of printing
all documents and saving hard copies in filing cabinets, create
electronic files and save them to an external hard drive. This will help
your company go green, and it will help clear up space in your storage
4. Recycle.
Don't limit your recycling to paper only. Set up
recycle cans throughout your office and encourage your employees to
recycle anything possible, such as cans or glass.
You can
also try to get creative and recycle other items. Rather than throw out
the old shelf, try and find somewhere else in the office to use it. If
something is broken, see if you can find a cheap way to fix it instead
of throwing it into a landfill. Or you can post it on the Internet to
see if anybody else out there has a use for it.
Don't just
assume that going green only benefits your family and your home. If you
employ green tactics at your office, you will be doing your part to save
the environment, and you'll also see a significant savings on your
office supplies and your energy bills.
Figueroa is an Environmental Philosophy major at the University of North
Texas who loves to share his passions with others. To ensure all his
writing and homework is clear, professional, and free of grammatical
errors he proofs it with a grammar checker. He can't
always remember all the grammar rules so
he edits his work with software that does.
And Now For Something Slightly Different!
I now have a subscription to myblogguests.com, a site that provides articles to be syndicated through blogs. My next two posts will be from authors who have graciously accepted an invitation from me to have their articles published here. I look forward to sharing more of these articles in the future, as well as any comments and feedback. Enjoy!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
And, Along The Same Lines ...
... don't let anyone tell you that land reform is immoral or impractical.
It's neither. Here's proof.
It's neither. Here's proof.
Don't Let ANYBODY Tell You That This Is A Conservative Country
Conservatives supposedly love history, but the history of this country shows very clearly why the Left has always been essential to our development. And always will be.
Is It Efficient To Be Non-Industrial?
That may be the case in agriculture. It's not politically correct to use Cuba as an example of something good and true, but I'm not politically correct. Not by conservative standards, anyway.
Michigan Is Currently Proving Something
And it's the fact that modern conservatism depends on marital law to succeed. Which is why we don't need "bipartisanship." We need Mother Jones who will pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
Does Environmentalism Neglect The Human Race?
Here's one environmentalist who thinks that it does, and thinks that environmentalism needs to change if it is going to have any future viability. For whatever it's worth, I think he's right. I think that true environmentalism does not mean turning one's back on progress--if anything, it means stimulating it, through the search for new materials and methods for building the society we want to have.
But They Can't Afford To Create Jobs!
Of course not. They're too busy making vanity purchases. These prices have nothing to do with value and everything to do with being in first place on Boardwalk or Park Place. This is how the rich suck the value out of your work, and put it someplace where it can never benefit you. And this is what our current tax policy promotes.
Real wealth never trickles down. It percolates up, when the wealthy are forced to make their money by hiring the rest of us to earn it for ourselves and them. We, the people, are the real wealth-creators. Someday, I hope we wake up and act on that fact to make the world better for everyone. Including making the price of antiques affordable.
Real wealth never trickles down. It percolates up, when the wealthy are forced to make their money by hiring the rest of us to earn it for ourselves and them. We, the people, are the real wealth-creators. Someday, I hope we wake up and act on that fact to make the world better for everyone. Including making the price of antiques affordable.
Which Is The Greater Threat To Democracy?
A President who criticizes the Supreme Court? Or a Circuit Court judge who orders the President to explain why he is exercising his First Amendment rights? Oh, and did I mention that the exercise of those rights is not the issue before the Court?
There are judicial activists in our system, but they're not on the left. They're on the side that thinks it needs to tell the rest of us to shut up, as Chief Judge Jones of the Fifth Circuit did to one of her colleagues. That type of behavior is offensive to the Constitution, the legal profession, and anyone in or out of uniform who has ever sacrificed anything for this country.
Those judicial activists can go to hell. And not a moment too soon.
There are judicial activists in our system, but they're not on the left. They're on the side that thinks it needs to tell the rest of us to shut up, as Chief Judge Jones of the Fifth Circuit did to one of her colleagues. That type of behavior is offensive to the Constitution, the legal profession, and anyone in or out of uniform who has ever sacrificed anything for this country.
Those judicial activists can go to hell. And not a moment too soon.
Where's The Outrage?
Apparently, people who get into hissy-fits over going through a scanner to ensure that they don't get blown up in a plane aren't bothered at all by the prospect of someone being strip-searched for jaywalking, thanks to the "Supreme" Court. Oh well, it's OK to do it if the person's going into jail. After all, everybody who goes to jail is certainly guilty, because the police never make mistakes, right?
Good luck with that one. You may need it. But, if you're not so lucky, just tell yourself in the middle of your strip-search that you must be on your way to Miami or Hawaii. That should help. I guess.
Good luck with that one. You may need it. But, if you're not so lucky, just tell yourself in the middle of your strip-search that you must be on your way to Miami or Hawaii. That should help. I guess.
Is Labor Organizing A Civil Right?
Of course it is. Otherwise, why would Republicans spend so much time attacking it. Here's someone who thinks Martin Luther King showed us the way to ensure that it is treated as a civil right. What a wonderful legacy Obama could have if he got behind this.
A Government Penalty Is A Government Penalty
If you're the type of person who thinks that the two political parties are more interested in jockeying for power than they are in advancing substantially different policies, you may want to take a look at this, with regard to health care reform. Is the ability to forego a financial benefit morally superior than a mandate? Is it more effective in promoting universal coverage than a mandate. Is the effectiveness argument outweighed by the moral argument? Or vice versa? Ultimately, which side has the high ground?
You're welcome to decide for yourself; you know where I stand. But the article in this case indirectly raises serious questions about whether we can work together at all. Which means, ultimately, that it raises serious questions about whether our democracy still functions as one.
I hope that we can come up with the right answers to those questions.
You're welcome to decide for yourself; you know where I stand. But the article in this case indirectly raises serious questions about whether we can work together at all. Which means, ultimately, that it raises serious questions about whether our democracy still functions as one.
I hope that we can come up with the right answers to those questions.
A Natural Fit?
There are those who think investment banking is immoral. As someone whose relatives includes investment bankers, I respectfully disagree. On the other hand ... .
On The Other Hand, It's Not A Pretty Process
The right may sometimes be willing to admit that it's wrong but, along the way, that admission gets sabotaged by its own members. Oh well. If they can make progress on indefinite detention, maybe they can make progress one day on breaking up the banks. Or save the electric car, while they're at it.
One Of Many Reasons Why I Believe In Democracy
Sometimes, even the right will admit that it's wrong, thereby vindicating Churchill's view that "You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they've tried everything else."
Well, Better Late Than Never In April ...
... and what better way to belatedly start the month here than by flashing back to last month's oral arguments at the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of Obamacare (Hey, if the name is now good enough for him, it's more than good enough for me. Besides, to quote a favorite bumper-sticker, "Obamacare beats the hell out of I-don't-care"!).
Obviously, there's been a lot of coverage of the various angles of this story. The possibility that a Court decision in favor of Obamacare would galvanize the right and guarantee a Republican blowout in November. The possibility that a Court decision in the other direction would inevitably lead to single-payer health coverage. The missteps by the Solicitor General in defending health care reform--and what he should have said (with which I agree). The risks to the Court's own reputation if it nullifies reform.
What do I think will happen? Hard to say. This is obviously a highly political Court; its tortured decisions in the areas of corporate personhood and the regulation of gun rights couldn't make that any clearer if it tried. And its subsequent ruling in the area of strip-searches seems to make it clear that it is trying. I tend to think, however, that the political impact of completely upholding Obamacare or completely striking it down is so uncertain that it is likely to reach a muddled result--upholding much of the Affordable Care Act but somehow limiting its reach or scope. An all-or-nothing ruling would not be politically palatable to the Court's conservative majority. Doing so would either ratify "socialized medicine" or create a campaign issue that would make the blowout a Democratic one.
One think, as a lawyer, that I know for certain: never try to predict what a judge will do by the tenor of oral arguments. I have all too often seen a judge appear to come down particularly hard on an attorney, yet nevertheless hand that attorney's client a victory on the merits. (If you want to infer that sometimes, that attorney is me, you can.) Anyone who tries to predict the fate of Obamacare based on the toughness of the Court's questions for the Solicitor General simply doesn't know what he or she is talking about.
And, if that person is an attorney, shame on him or her.
Obviously, there's been a lot of coverage of the various angles of this story. The possibility that a Court decision in favor of Obamacare would galvanize the right and guarantee a Republican blowout in November. The possibility that a Court decision in the other direction would inevitably lead to single-payer health coverage. The missteps by the Solicitor General in defending health care reform--and what he should have said (with which I agree). The risks to the Court's own reputation if it nullifies reform.
What do I think will happen? Hard to say. This is obviously a highly political Court; its tortured decisions in the areas of corporate personhood and the regulation of gun rights couldn't make that any clearer if it tried. And its subsequent ruling in the area of strip-searches seems to make it clear that it is trying. I tend to think, however, that the political impact of completely upholding Obamacare or completely striking it down is so uncertain that it is likely to reach a muddled result--upholding much of the Affordable Care Act but somehow limiting its reach or scope. An all-or-nothing ruling would not be politically palatable to the Court's conservative majority. Doing so would either ratify "socialized medicine" or create a campaign issue that would make the blowout a Democratic one.
One think, as a lawyer, that I know for certain: never try to predict what a judge will do by the tenor of oral arguments. I have all too often seen a judge appear to come down particularly hard on an attorney, yet nevertheless hand that attorney's client a victory on the merits. (If you want to infer that sometimes, that attorney is me, you can.) Anyone who tries to predict the fate of Obamacare based on the toughness of the Court's questions for the Solicitor General simply doesn't know what he or she is talking about.
And, if that person is an attorney, shame on him or her.
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