Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Few Words Of Explanation, Before June Disappears

In posting on this blog, I try to maintain a relatively steady pace of monthly postings.  In the nine-and-a-half years that I have been blogging, some months have had a steadier pace than others.  June of 2018, unfortunately, has been one of those unsteady months, due to a number of personal reasons (not all of them bad ones, but all of them time-consuming, in different ways).  Not surprisingly, the need to comment on various issues has grown exponentially along with my lack of time for doing so.  This is, after all, the Age of Trump.  And, if there is one thing about Trump on which all of us can agree, it is that he thrives on conflict, even if he has to manufacture the conflict in order to thrive.

So, put simply, there's a lot to talk about.  And, if I'm to keep on both current events and my own writer's discipline with regard to supplying a certain amount of monthly content for TRH, I've only got a handful of hours in which to do it.  Thankfully, the software on which I publish operates on Pacific time so, technically, I have a few extra hours.  And I intend to make the most of them.

So, without further ado, here goes ...

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