Sunday, November 17, 2013

And, Speaking Of New York ...

... this really caught my eye, and made me reflect on how much the influx of wealthy people into New York has raised the cost of living in general.  Thirty-plus years ago, when I lived in the city and took Social Security claims, I remember seeing the bills of sale for the medallions of retiring New York cab drivers.  They averaged about $65,000, meaning that their value in the interim has increased by almost 1500%, or an annual average increase of more than 45%.

This is why conservatives worrying about returning to the pre-Giuliani days of street crime have nothing to worry about.  Those criminals have literally been priced out of town.  They've been replaced by a different class of criminal, one that is well-schooled in reverse Robin Hood politics.

Which is why de Blasio is so essential.  And why, for the sake of the city I love so much, I hope with all my heart that he succeeds.

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