Friday, April 10, 2009

In Case You've Noticed (Part 2) ...

... my absence has been longer than I expected, due to a combination of the wedding, my father-in-law's birthday, and the beginning of Passover. To anyone reading who is also observing the holiday, Happy Pesach and, hopefully, no matzoh stomach!;-). And a Happy Easter to those who will be either collecting eggs or going to church (or doing both) on Sunday.

I really am going to try to get back to more regular posting this weekend. It's not for a lack of things to say.

And a shout-out to my fellow blogger, John Tierney, who has been taking a break from blogging for family reasons. Hope everything's better soon, John!

1 comment:

JTT said...

Thank you, my friend. You and your fine blog came along just in time to pick up the mantle. And you're doing it so much BETTER! Congrats on a great new blog, Steve.