Sunday, November 25, 2012

Is Trickle-Down Economics Dead?

I mean, it's always been dead in practice, and deadly to the majority of us.  But has it lost its political base.  This writer seems to think so.

I wish I could feel comfortable agreeing with him.  But, as long as Americans are focused on short-term benefits and feel-good politics, mixed in with flim-flam marketing, it's going to take a lot to convince me that there's been a sea change.

Still, Romney's economic pitch was straight out of Reagan 101, and it didn't put him over the top.  At the very least, that tells me that they're going to have to go to work on the marketing.  As for how feel about the substance, maybe we've picked up some more people with common sense in the past generation.  We'll see in another two to four years whether it's enough to start to make a real difference.

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