Sunday, November 18, 2012

And About Petraeus ...

All of the people who urged calling him "General Betrayus" back when he was in charge of the Iraqi war deserve an engraved apology for having the courage to question his character.  Apparently, his character was questionable, after all.  I think everyone should remember that, the next time conservatives start a war and liberals have the temerity to question it.  Maybe questioning is just part of that thing called "patriotism."  Maybe it's just part of exposing the truth.  Either way, I'll be damned if I'm going to be intimidated out of questioning the likes of Petraeus.

There is one good thing about this sordid scandal, however:  it further exposes the hypocrisy of the right, especially its religious division.  Thank you, Pat Robertson; as always, sincerity is written on both of your faces.

And with that, a happy and healthy Thanksgiving to everyone, especially to those serving our country.  And don't show up at any retailers until after midnight!

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