Sunday, October 7, 2012

Is This Real, Or A Head-Fake?

A Koch brother coming out for tax hikes, defense cuts and marriage equality?

Well, you can decide.  In the absence of some kind of road-to-Damascus experience, I'm inclined to think that this is some kind of effort to dupe the few swing voters left into thinking that his man Romney is some kind of moderate.

In other words, it dovetails with Romney's debate strategy:  lie about your record, and think that you can get away with it because swing voters haven't been paying attention up until now.  Personally, I think the only reason that there are any swing voters left is because they HAVE been paying attention up until now--to Romney.

I'll believe in a Koch conversion when he and his brother heed the words of Luke 18:22.  But I'm not holding my breath.

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