Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Compromise, My A**!

Okay, let's try to short this out, by starting out with some of the short-term reaction.

He doesn't like it.  She doesn't like it.  And he doesn't like it.

Well, a good compromise is one that's hated by folks on both sides of the fence, right?

To quote John McLaughlin, "Wrong!"

Because the grand deal struck by Obama and the GOP is simply the alternative stimulus package proposed by Republicans two years ago--extended unemployment benefits and a heap of tax cuts.

As I see it, Obama is trying to "sell" the benefits extension as a concession to him.  Forget it.  No sane person with even a basic understanding of the issues involve believes that this is any kind of concession at all.  Walking away from unemployment insurance is every bit as politically suicidal as walking away from Social Security.  Boehner and McConnell know this, even if The One has yet to figure it out.

That's why Congressional Democrats, who are far from being the red-eyed socialists Rush Limburger thinks they are, are ready to make Obama walk the plank on this one.  In their eyes, he's earned it.  In my eyes, too.

I'm soliciting advice regarding the easiest way to remove the "I Stand With The President" bumper-sticker from my Prius.  Thoughts, anyone?

And Bernie, let the filibuster begin!

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